發佈日期: 2024-02-05
2024.1.31. (以下中文翻譯非官方,僅供參考)
Toastmasters Centennial Celebration Kicks Off! Toastmasters國際演講會百年慶典拉開序幕!
Did you know October 22, 2024, will mark 100 years since the first Toastmasters meeting? It’s official: from now through December 31, 2024, you are invited to celebrate in centennial style with resources developed at World Headquarters specifically for you and your clubs/Districts. Please utilize and have fun with these specially created resources (no need to create your own):
您知道嗎,2024 年 10 月 22 日是第一次 Toastmasters 會議 100 周年?這是官方的:從現在到 2024 年 12 月 31 日,我們邀請您以百年紀念的方式慶祝世界總部專門為您和您的分會/地區開發的資源。請利用這些專門創建的資源並從中獲得樂趣(無需創建自己的資源):
100 Years Resources 100年資源
100 Years Logos—Use these dazzling logos all year long to commemorate everything Toastmasters. 全年使用這些耀眼的標誌來紀念 Toastmasters 的一切
Limited-Edition Memorabilia—Mark this milestone year by collecting exclusive 100 Years merchandise. 通過收集獨家 100 周年商品來紀念這一具有里程碑意義的一年。
Digital Wallpapers—Show off the 100 Years excitement utilizing digital wallpapers/backgrounds for your meetings, desktop, and/or phone. 利用會議、桌面和/或電話的數位壁紙/背景來炫耀 100 年的興奮。
Email Signature—Sign off with centennial pride every time you send an email. 每次發送電子郵件時都以百年自豪感簽名。
PowerPoint Template—Get in the centennial spirit with a specially designed PowerPoint template. 使用專門設計的PowerPoint範本獲得百年精神。
Stay Tuned 敬請期待
More 100th anniversary updates and unveilings are planned for the months ahead. By August, the pomp and circumstance will be in high gear with a 1920s style theme at the 2024 International Convention in Southern California, the birthplace of Toastmasters, where we hope to make milestone memories with you!
未來幾個月計劃進行更多 100 周年更新和揭幕。到 8 月,在南加州舉行的 2024 年國際大會上,盛況和環境將以 1920 年代風格為主題,這是 Toastmasters 的發源地,我們希望與您一起留下里程碑式的回憶!